· The cost of housing redundant data: most WebCT modules hold a considerable amount of old and unused versions of files, videos, images. These have been added by academics who no longer teach a module or who have not ‘housekeeped’ their modules. There are, in addition, often many multiple copies of the same file. For QMU this would mean that we would be transferring substantial quantities of redundant data from an old system to a new system.
· Time for academics to adapt a migrated system: when migrating from one system to another, inevitably not all materials, style, organisation will migrate cleanly. To fix and clean the migrated version, will take academics longer than starting again.
· Out of date materials: some modules have out of date materials and/or links to websites that are no longer working. Starting a new area in Blackboard provides academics the opportunity to check all materials. In Blackboard there is a building block which will allow academics to check the validity of weblinks for a module. (This only checks that the link is correctly formed. Links to a website which no longer exists will not be picked up.)
· Poor structure, design in current WebCT areas: many WebCT modules have grown organically over the years. This has led to poor structure which is difficult to navigate for many students (and academics).
· Enhanced use of the new VLE: by starting to develop a new module in Blackboard, this will help academics to become more familiar with the system and learn about the new functionality of the VLE such as the group tools and Early Warning System.
The CAP is proposing to only migrate:
· Assessments, online quizzes and surveys and only when specifically requested
· Glossary