Monday, April 9, 2012

Staff Development Workshop Booking

Dates for the staff development workshops have now been confirmed and booking is available form the CAP workshop booking form on the intranet: http://apps/capforms/workshopbooking.asp.

Please note that it is mandatory that academic staff attend both Workshop 1 and Workshop 2 if they are planning to run modules in the Hub@QMU. Workshop 3 is optional and covers the Assessment and Assignment functions (see previous post for more details). All workshops are 3.5 hours.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Development for academic, academic-related and support staff at QMU for the new VLE

The following provides an overview of the three face-to-face workshops that the CAP will provide to familiarise the QMU community with our new VLE. These face-to-face workshops will be supported with a wide variety of short video tutorials and also with some limited documentation.
To use the new VLE, everyone will have  to attend Workshop 1 and Workshop 2. Failure to attend these workshops will mean that the CAP will not provide support to this individual.
Workshop 1: introduction to Blackboard (mandatory for use of Blackboard)

This workshop is compulsory for anyone using or supporting Blackboard and will cover:
·         Introduction to the interface

·         Uploading content: folders and files

·         File manager

·         Navigating/menus/information panel

·         Overview of tools

·         Specific tools    

o   Announcements

o   Email

o   Tasks

·         Creating web links

·         Mash-ups (YouTube, Slideshare and Flickr)

·         Library services

·         Module evaluation and Turnitin

·         Handling of online submission of assignments

·         Where to find further help
Time: 3.5 hours

Workshop two: learning modules, communication, group tools, adaptive release and student tracking (mandatory for use of Blackboard)

This will cover:

·         Learning modules

·         Online discussions

·         Group Tools including blogs

·         Early warning system

·         Student Tracking

·         Adaptive release

Time: 3.5 hours
Workshop three: assessments and surveys (optional)

This will cover

·         Quizzes

·         Surveys

·         The Grade Centre

·         Assignment Dropbox

·         Peer and self-assessment

Time: 3.5 hours